In the past everyone save money in the wallet might just be stored in a closet or home, it can have a bad impact that money can disappear suddenly without any replacement.
Practicability of the present moment is the use of ATM cards issued by almost all banks, of course, each person must open their accounts to save money. Benefit from the use of ATMs was more diverse, from which only as a place to take the money at automatic teller machines, or known as ATMs. Can now be used as a means of regular payment such as payment of telephone bills, electricity, water as a tool to debit payments. So no need to pull cash at an ATM first before transacting in the supermarket but it can directly make payment by the ATM cards as debit card use is cutting the number of bills directly from your savings transactions.
From the myriad of extra convenience we can get from an ATM card but recently a lot of break-ins occurred the name of the customer's account ATM machines, many modes of fraud committed by the criminals who carried out to customers via SMS & phone to break-ins with the instrument data recorder Skimmer .
Maybe we've received SMS from a stranger who reads "Congratulations you won a cash prize of 20 million rupiah. Contact 081xxxxxxx numbers for more information. Pengirim: xxx. Sender: xxx. Of course this SMS to recipients soared happily. And this is one of the fraudulent guise of style gift. Not only through SMS, but also conducted by telephone, and mail using official letterhead, but a fake! If you experience this you should be extra careful to deal with.
How to detect this fraud? For communication, the perpetrator has appointed someone. Complete with cell phone number. However, phone cards that are used rarely use fixed phones but use a prepaid card. If using a fixed phone number, usually when contacted will read 'tulalit' or not registered. If we managed to contact, usually the perpetrators will ask you to go to an ATM, and mention the account number and pin. You are also asked to transfer some money with the reasons for the payment of lottery tax.
There are other things that also happen that an ATM card in ATM machine swallowed, if it happens then there should not directly call the listed bank services at the ATM machine. The reason these numbers could be a deliberate fake numbers set to break the perpetrators of our ATMs. The perpetrators deliberately jammed the ATM machine using matchsticks and put stickers of service. When victims call the number, the perpetrators will ask the victim a PIN number and said that the ATM card will soon be in the process. If victims are trapped and give your PIN number and out of the ATM, then drained the savings direct perpetrator the victim.
The next mode which recently occurred in the area of Bali, using Skimmer data recorders, digital data perpetrators stole an ATM card is installed in the client machine. Then to steal the customers pin numbers, principals with the help of surveillance cameras installed in the ATM space or by direct peering when customers type in pin numbers. Next copy data to a fake card, then drain the savings account.
But the current security conducted by the bank has grown, with the cover installed on the number pad, thereby reducing the possibility of shadowing by the customer PIN offenders. Every customer also has their own responsibility always to maintain the security and convenience when doing transactions at ATM machines.