. The first is the Light Rapid Transit, or often called Monorail. Monorail is a transportation system that uses a single track, where trains run to follow the track rail. Called the Light Rapid Transit for light construction and walking on a special track, with a capacity in the serve a lot of commuter traffic. The project was blocked by the difficulties of financial and technological choices. In 2003, the project was submitted to the Malaysian company Mtrans, construction began in June 2004. But eventually the plan was canceled by the governor of DKI Jakarta, so it may be very unfortunate considering rail pedestal that has stood firm became useless.

The second is the Waterways which started to operate and be integrated in the transport of Jakarta after the inauguration of the Halimun - Karet route along the 1.7 kilometers by Governor Sutiyoso on June 6, 2007. This route is part of Manggarai-Karet route planning along the 3.6 kilometers. Various problems that overshadow Waterways system operations including the garbage that flows along river water, which potentially caught in the propeller and the shallowness of the river boat.

The third is a Mass Rapid Transit-Subway is a form of rapid transit subway that was built in urban areas. Jakarta earlier had planned a few years ago, the Governor of DKI Surjadi Soedirdja, but its realization continues to be delayed. Along with the monetary crisis of whack Indonesia, the plan was canceled. Until now, the plan remains a plan, the central government is less supportive by making the subway in Jakarta as an alternative after the double track project and the pipeline outside of Jakarta. Construction of the first subway in Indonesia to meet a few strategic issues.

The fourth, which is currently run by the government in Jakarta is Transjakarta or commonly called Busway is a bus rapid transport system or the Bus Rapid Transit in Jakarta, Indonesia. This system was adopted from a successful TransMilenio system in Bogota, Colombia. Transjakarta is able to accommodate 20 million trips can carry 200 thousand passengers per day.
The bus is used as a bus Transjakarta Mercedes-Benz buses and Hino. Transjakarta buses start operating the first time on January 15, 2004 with the Blok M - Kota route. Currently available TransJakarta Line 10 corridor which divides the city. However, the Jakarta provincial government plans to continue construction of busway corridors in the XI-XV, encountering many obstacles, whether this can be completed during congestion or not.
Constraints currently facing is the lack of comfort of our passengers, I as a user of busway have a lot of problems from lack of number of buses that are not proportional to the number of passengers, causing long queues at the time of the stifling rush hour and sometimes happens sometimes crime, but CCTV cameras have been installed at the corner bus stop and also the number of officers on guard seems to still not be able to keep the passengers are so many.
Late arrival of the bus caused the ineffectiveness of the working time. And resulted in long queues and crowding in the bus also. Besides the damages in the form of death crossing the bridge lighting, damaging the roof of the bridge that lead to inconvenience its users. Moreover, the current government of Jakarta is planning to raise rates from IDR 3500 become IDR 5000. I think that also might be thinking the same with other users better is first repaired all the damage and comfort and service on the increase.
Another problem that arises is the inclusion of other vehicles into the lane busway cause Transjakarta like any other public bus that had to deal with traffic congestion, such as the preservation efforts in each corridor to the installation of automated portals can not sterilize the busway lane. Maybe there should be a new alternative in making that Jakarta is not jammed or perhaps improvements in the implementation of this busway transport model. Jakarta community desires to create a free jam and not wasting time in useless work. All relevant parties including the citizens of Jakarta should help each other overcome this bottleneck, not just blame the government of DKI Jakarta, which I always try to tackle the main problems of Jakarta.
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